Yong Yang
Yong Yang is a Professor of International Business at the School of Economics and Management in Shanghai Polytechnic University, and he is a Visiting Fellow at the Centre for Globalization Research at Queen Mary University of London. In 2012-2021, Yong was an Associate Professor and promoted to Reader in Strategy at the University of Sussex, UK. Before that, he was a lecturer in International Business and Entrepreneurship at the University of Essex. Yong worked on a FP7 project funded by the European Commission at Brunel University, UK, for one year, and obtained PhD in Business and Management from Queen Mary University of London. Yong was invited to prepare a background report of disembodied knowledge flows for the World Intellectual Property Organisation WIPO. Yong is a recipient of Temple/AIB Best Paper award from the Academy of International Business, and he is a winner of Douglas Nigh award from the Academy of Management. Yong's research interests include foreign direct investment, exporting, and the digital economy.
Yong is an Associate Editor of four journals, including International Journal of Finance & Economics, Journal of Economic Surveys, Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting, and Economic Analysis and Policy. Besides, he is a guest editor of two special issues for Economic Modelling. He is on the editorial advisory board for International Business Review and on the editorial review board for Cross-Cultural & Strategic Management. Yong’s articles have appeared in journals such as Research Policy, British Journal of Industrial Relations, British Journal of Management, International Business Review, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Journal of World Business, Management International Review, among others.
Academic Degree
· Jan 2006 - Jan 2010 PhD in Business and Management, Queen Mary University of London
Supervisors: Prof Pedro Martins, Prof Teresa Lopes and Prof Simon Mohun
Dissertation title: Internationalization and Firm Performance
· Sept 2004 - Oct 2005 M.Sc. in Business Management, University of East Anglia
· Sept 2000 - July 2004 BA in Accounting, Jiangxi University of Science and Technology
Current and Previous Positions
· Sept 2021 – now: Professor in International Business, Shanghai Polytechnic University
· 2013 – now: Visiting Fellow, Centre for Globalisation Research, UK
· Sept 2021 – Aug 2024: Visiting Professor at the University of Sussex UK
· June 2017 – Aug 2021: Reader [Associate Professor] in Strategy at the University of Sussex UK
· Oct 2012 – May 2017: Senior Lecturer [Associate Professor] in Strategy at the University of Sussex
· Sept 2010 - Sept 2012: Lecturer [Assistant Professor] in International Business and Entrepreneurship at the University of Essex UK
· Aug 2009 - Aug 2010: Research Fellow at Brunel University UK
· Feb 2016 – 2019: External Examiner, University of Bath UK
· Aug 2009 – 2011: Visitor and Approved Researcher, The Office for National Statistics UK
· Love, James and Driffield, Nigel and Lavoratori, Katiuscia and Yang, Yong (2025) FDI motives redux: exploring behavioral assumptions in international business research, Multinational Business Review, forthcoming [ABS 2]
· Yang, Yong and Wang, Yonggui and Wang, Linlin and Wu, Yan (2024) Host country household spending and foreign subsidiary performance: The role of local knowledge, entry mode strategies, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 106745 [ABS 3]
· Yang, Yong and Wu, Yan (2023) The digital economy, entry mode strategies, and the profitability of foreign subsidiaries: A global view, Economic Modelling, 106480 [ABS 2]
· Wu, Yan and Yang, Yong and Mickiewicz, Tomasz (2023) Corruption, the digital sectors, and the profitability of foreign subsidiaries in emerging markets. Journal of Business Research, 161, 113848 [ABS 3]
· Yang, Yong and Driffield, Nigel (2022) Leveraging the benefits of location decisions into performance: A global view from matched MNEs, Journal of Business Research, 139, 468-483 [ABS 3]
· Gu, Jinlong and Yang, Yong and Strange, Roger. (2018). Location choice, ownership structure and multinational performance. Multinational Business Review, 26(3), 250-276. [ABS 2]
· Panos, Georgios and Yang, Yong. (2018) Job flows, returns to skill, and rent-sharing at the dawn of the new millennium: A firm-level inquiry from the BRICS. International Journal of Language, Translation and Intercultural Communication, 7, 64-99.
· Contractor, Farok., Yang, Yong., & Gaur, Ajai (2016). Firm-specific intangible assets and subsidiary profitability: The moderating role of distance, ownership strategy and subsidiary experience. Journal of World Business, 51(6), 950-964 [ABS 4]
· Driffield, Nigel and Love, Jim and Yang, Yong (2016) Reverse international knowledge transfer in the MNE: (Where) does affiliate performance boost parent performance? Research Policy, 45(2), 491-506 [ABS 4*]
· Martins, Pedro and Yang, Yong (2015) Globalized labour markets? International rent sharing across 47 countries, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 53(4), 664-691. [ABS 4]
· Yang, Yong and Mallick, Sushanta (2014) Explaining cross-country differences in exporting performance: The role of country-level macroeconomic environment. International Business Review, 23(1), 246-259. [ABS 3]
· Yang, Yong and Singh, Deeksha (2014) Foreign Subsidiary Location Strategy and Financial Performance: A Global Value Chain Perspective, Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, 2014
· Driffield, Nigel and Love, Jim and Yang, Yong (2014) Technology sourcing and reverse productivity spillovers in the multinational enterprise: global or regional phenomenon? British Journal of Management, 25(S1) S24-S41. [ABS 4]
· Contractor, Farok and Yang, Yong and Gaur, Ajai (2013) Firm-Specific Intangible Assets and Subsidiary Profitability: The Moderating Role of Distance, Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, 2013
· Yang, Yong and Martins, Pedro and Driffield, Nigel (2013) Multinational Performance and the Geography of FDI, Management International Review, 53(6), 763-794. [ABS 3]
· Mallick, Sushanta and Yang, Yong (2013) Productivity Performance of Export Market Entry and Exit: Evidence from Indian Firms, Review of International Economics, 21(4), 809-824. [ABS 2]
· Yang, Yong and Driffield, Nigel (2012) Multinationality-Performance Relationship: A Meta-Analysis, Management International Review, 52(1), 23-47. [ABS 3]
· Mallick, Sushanta and Yang, Yong (2011) Sources of Financing, Profitability and Productivity: First Evidence from Matched Firms, Financial Markets, Institutions and Instruments, 20(5), 221-252. [ABS 3]
· Yang, Yong and Mallick, Sushanta (2010) Export premium, self-selection and learning-by-exporting: Evidence from Chinese matched firms, World Economy, 33(10), 1218-1240. [ABS 2]
· Martins, Pedro and Yang, Yong (2009) The Impact of Exporting on Firm Productivity: A Meta-Analysis of the Learning-by-Exporting Hypothesis, Review of World Economics, 145(3), 431-445. [ABS 2]
Other publications:
· Athreye, Suma and Yang, Yong (2011) Disembodied knowledge flows in the World Economy [a background paper for World Intellectual Property Organisation United Nations report]
· Yang, Yong and Martins, Pedro (2011) ‘Multinational Performance and Intellectual Property Rights: Evidence from 46 Countries’ in ‘Firm-level Internationalisation, Regionalism and Globalisation’ (AIB Book Chapter); editors: Jenny Berrill, Elaine Hutson and Rudolf Sinkovics, Palgrave MacMilla, Houndmills, Basingstoke, U.K. 96-112
· Yang, Yong and Kwong, Caleb (2013) ‘The Role of Language on Affiliates' Competence-Creation: Evidence from the MNE Linkage across 45 Countries’ In ‘The Changing Geography of International Business’ (AIB Book Chapter); editors: Gary Cook and Jennifer Johns. Palgrave MacMilla, 114-135.
· Mallick, Sushanta and Yang, Yong (2014) ‘Financing Patterns, Multinationals and Performance: Firm-level Evidence from 47 Countries’ in ‘International Business, Institutions and Performance After the Financial Crisis’ (AIB Book Chapter); editors: Yama Temouri and Chris Jones, Palgrave MacMilla, 194-211.
· Gu, Jinlong and Yang, Yong and Strange, Roger (2018). ‘Firm Diversification and Financial Performance: Evidence from Manufacturing Firms Worldwide’ In ‘Contemporary Issues in International Business’ (pp. 297-315). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
· Gu, Jinlong and Yang, Yong and Strange, Roger (2019). ‘Acquirer’s Country of Origin and Target Firm’s Performance’ In ‘The Changing Strategies of International Business’ (pp. 135-155). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham
Funded Research Projects and Grants
· The principal investigator: ‘Research on the Investment of High-Tech Companies in China in the Post-pandemic’, (Research Fund award from Shanghai Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau), 2022.10-2025.9
· The principal investigator: ‘Research on global value chains of the digital economy company’, (Research Fund award from Shanghai Reverse Logistics and Supply Chain Collaborative Innovation Center), 2024.6-2025.5
· The principal investigator: ‘Digital Economy and Green High-Quality Development’, (Research Fund award fromShanghai Polytechnic University), 2023.1-2023.12
· The principal investigator: ‘Sustainable and High-Quality Development of Shanghai High-Tech Industries’, (Research Fund award from Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality), 2022.1-2022.12
· The principal investigator: ‘Location choices, Knowledge transfer and firm performance’, (Research Development Fund award from School of Business, Management and Economics, University of Sussex), 2016-2017
· The principal investigator: ‘Global Value Chains and Returns to Multinationality’, (Research Development Fund award from School of Business, Management and Economics, University of Sussex), 2015-2016
· The principal investigator: ‘International Technology Transfer and Technology Sourcing’, (Internal award from Essex Business School), 2011-2012
· A research fellow: ‘The Changing Nature of Internationalization of Innovation in Europe: Impact on Firms and the Implications for Innovation Policy in the EU’, FP7- European Commission; Principal investigator: Suma Athreye; Coordinator: Pari Patel at Sussex University), 2009-2011
· Researcher: ‘Disembodied Knowledge Flows in the World Economy’, (World Intellectual Property Organisation, Principal investigator: Suma Athreye), 2011-2012
PhD supervision and examiner
· Jinlong Gu (Started Sept 2013; finished 2018; first placement: research fellowship at Peking University Shenzhen HSBC Business School) [the thesis is finalised for Adam Smith Best Doctoral Dissertation Award from the Academy of International Business – UK & Ireland Chapter]
· 2022: PhD examiner at the University of Essex UK
· 2023: PhD examiner at the University of York UK
· 2025: PhD examiner at Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow UK
Teaching and administrative experiences
· Taught modules: Doctoral Training programme; PG International Business, PG Research Methods, UG International Business Environments, Strategy, UG Global Strategy and UG Research Projects
· Teaching evaluation score is 3.4 out of 4 [85%] on Global Strategy module
· The Supervisor of PhD, MBA and MSc students
· The Course director of M.Sc. International Management in 2015-2018
· An external examiner of M.Sc. International Management at the University of Bath
· Data and software lead; Admission tutor; Appraiser
Papers in conferences/workshops/seminars
· 2024: ECUST/Shanghai(June);SWUPL/Chongqing (August)
· 2023: SUIBE/Shanghai (December); Hubei/Wuhan (November); ZJSU/Hangzhou (May); MSI/Shanghai (April)
· 2022: ECUPSL/online (April); SSPU/online (March)
· 2021: AOM/online (August); Aston/online (April)
· 2019: EIBA/Leeds (Dec); AIB/Copenhagen (June); Surrey (June); AIB-UKI/Sussex (April)
· 2018: SMS/Paris (September); AIB-UKI/Birmingham (April)
· 2017: SMS/Houston (October); AIB-UKI & IB Reading /Reading (April)
· 2016: SMS/Berlin (September); AIB-UKI /London (April)
· 2015: AOM/Vancouver (August); SMS/Denver (October)
· 2014: AIB-UKI/York (April); AIB/Vancouver (June); AOM/Philadelphia (August)
· 2013: AIB-UKI/Birmingham (March); Reading-UNCTAD/Reading (April); GPEN-CGR/London (June); AIB/Istanbul (July); AOM/Florida (August)
· 2012: EIBA/Brighton (Dec); NGB/Cambridge (September); AIB-UKI/Liverpool (March); CEA/London (April)
· 2011: EEFS/London (June); CES/Beijing (June); AIB-UKI/Edinburgh (April)
· 2010: WISE Labor/Xiamen (Dec); GlobInn/Milan (Oct); CAED/London (Sept); AIB/ Rio de Janeiro (June); EEFS/Athens (June); AIB-UKI/Dublin (April)
· 2009: ACE/Hong Kong (Dec); QMUL/London (June)
· 2008: QMUL/London (June); CEA/Cambridge (June)
· 2007: ACE/Hong Kong (Dec); QMUL/London (June)
· 2006: ACE/Hong Kong (Dec); ABH/London (June); QMUL/London (June)