罗 吉


教师姓名 Name 

罗吉 Luo Ji

职务职称 Job title

讲师,研究生导师 Lecturer, graduate  tutor

研究方向 Research Interests


Public  Economics & Computational Social Sciences



通讯地址 Address


School  of Economics and Management, 2360 Jinhai Road, Pudong, Shanghai


Personal profile

罗吉,清华大学博士后,经济学博士,研究生导师,英国伯明翰城市大学访问学者,经济师,国家技术转移经纪人,上海第二工业大学经济与管理学院讲师。主要研究方向为大数据&机器学习、城市经济学、NGO、绿色金融学等。已在国内外SSCI、SCI、CSSCI(包括JCR1区、2区)等核心期刊发表学术论文20余篇,在国际著名出版商Springer出版英文独著一本,主持和参与多项国家级、省部级课题,在访学英国期间在英国诺丁汉美奥鹏程咨询公司(MoraleConsultant Ltd)出任PR and Real Estate Consultant(公共关系与经济顾问)一职。受邀出任Biological Environment andPollution, The Open Public Health Journal,Journal of Economics andManagement Sciences等国际期刊的编委会成员,和 Decision SupportSystems (JCR Q1), Journal of Supercomputing (JCR Q2), VOLUNTAS (JCR Q2), ChinaNonprofit Review等期刊的审稿专家。撰写多篇城市经济高质量发展研究报告,多次获得市长批示。

LuoJi, postdoctoral fellow at Tsinghua University, PhD in Economics, postgraduatetutor, visiting scholar at Birmingham City University, Economist, NationalTechnology transfer Broker, Lecturer at School of Economics and Management,Shanghai Polytechnic University. His research interests include big data &Machine learning, urban economics, NGO, green finance, etc. He has publishedmore than 20 academic papers in SSCI, SCI, CSSCI (including JCR Q1 and Q2) andpresided over and participated in a number of national, provincial andministerial projects. During the visiting scholar in the UK, he worked as PRand Real Estate Consultant for Morale Consultant Ltd in Nottingham, UK. He is invitedas editorial board member for Environment and Pollution, The Open Public HealthJournal, Journal of Economics and Management Sciences, and expert reviewer of DecisionSupport Systems (JCR Q1), Journal of Supercomputing (JCR Q2), VOLUNTAS (JCRQ2).

主要论文Selected Publication

Luo,J., Wang Y., & Li G. (2023). The innovation effect of administrativehierarchy on intercity connection: The machine learning of twin cities, Journalof Innovation & Knowledge,

8(1):100293.(SSCI, IF=18.1, JCR Q1)

Luo,J., Zhuo W., & Xu B. (2023). The Bigger, the Better? Optimal NGO Size ofHuman Resources and Governance Quality of Entrepreneurship in Circular Economy,Management Decision, 07. (SSCI, IF=5.589, JCR Q2)

Shang,M., & Luo, J.* (2021). The Tapio Decoupling Principle and Key Strategiesfor Changing Factors of Chinese Urban Carbon Footprint Based on CloudComputing. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,18(4), 2101. (SSCI/SCI, IF=3.390, JCR Q1)

Luo,J., Wang, G., Pesce, G. & Li, G. (2021). Transport InfrastructureConnectivity and Conflict Resolution: A Machine Learning Analysis. NeuralComputing & Applications, 2021(1):1-17. (SCI, IF=5.606, JCR Q1)

LuoJ, Zhao C, Chen Q, & Li G (2021). Using Deep Belief Network to Constructthe Agricultural Information System based on Internet of Things, Journal ofSupercomputing, 2021(34). (SCI, IF=2.469, JCR Q2)

LiB, Li G, Luo J.* (2021) Latent but not absent: The ‘long tail’ nature of ruralspecial education and its dynamic correction mechanism. PLOS ONE 16(3):e0242023. (SCI, IF=2.740, JCR Q2)

Amin,A., Liu, Y., …, Luo, J., & Zaman, S. (2020). How does energy poverty affecteconomic development? A panel data analysis of South Asian countries.Environmental Science and Pollution Research International, 04(06). (SSCI,IF=3.056, JCR Q2)



王桂军,罗吉*,雷鑫. “一带一路”倡议的全球治理效应:沿线国家社会稳定视角,南方经济, 2023(06). (CSSCI,IF=4.551)

罗吉,王亚华,赵础昊. 双城关联度测度:以成渝双城经济圈为例,经济体制改革,2022(06). (CSSCI,IF=2.932)

罗吉,王亚华,赵础昊. 城市联通的动力机制:巴黎-伦敦双城记的经验及启示,城市发展研究, 2021(08). (CSSCI A类,IF=2.906)

谢舜,  罗吉.社会组织个体规模及其最优边界的影响因素,江汉论坛,2019(09). (CSSCI,IF=1.175, 人大复印资料《社会学》全文转载)

谢舜,  罗吉.农村公共服务供需均衡中的“互联网+社会组织”研究,广西大学学报,2019(05). (CSSCI, IF=1.000)

罗吉,谢舜. 农村特殊教育的双重属性及其跨期矫正:基于不同支出类型的视角,


主要科研项目Hosted Project









Ministryof Agriculture and Rural Affairs "14th Five-Year Plan" NationalScience and Technology support Program key topic "Government Purchase ofRural public services from social organizations and countermeasuresAnalysis" (2023)

Projectof the Education Advisory Commission of the Ministry of Education "A Studyon Measuring and Improving the Teaching Ability of Double-qualified Teachersfrom the Perspective of New Liberal Arts Construction" (2023)

Ministryof Education Industry-University Collaborative Education Project"International Business Discipline Construction from the Perspective ofNew Liberal Arts Construction" (2023)

Ministryof Education Industry-University Collaborative Education Project "Researchon Improving the Teaching Ability of Investment Teachers from the Perspectiveof New Liberal Arts Construction" (2022)

ShanghaiReverse Logistics and Supply Chain Collaborative Innovation Center AnnualProject "Green Financial Market Risk Optimization Path Research under theGoal of" Dual Carbon "(2023)

PublicInterest Communication Research Support Project "Research on the CircleStructure of Public Interest Communication Consensus" (2021)

MeituanResearch Upstart Support Program "Research on Urban Cultural System Characteristicsand Residents' Online High-quality Consumption Based on Big Data" (2020)

BambooForest Project of China Charity Federation "Construction and Evaluation ofthe Dual Attributes of Social Enterprise Charitable Behavior from thePerspective of Globalization" (2019)






ExcellentPostdoctoral Fellow of Tsinghua University in 2022

Excellentdoctoral dissertation of Guangxi University in 2019

Researchreports on high-quality urban development and approved by the Mayor of Chengdu.

Thespecial assessment and inspection of poor county exit of the PovertyAlleviation Office of The State Council, and served as the team leader ofhousehold entry.