









・          2006年1月-2010年1月,英国伦敦玛丽女王大学,博士

・          2004年9月-2005年9月,英国东英吉利亚大学,硕士




・        指导本科学生参加2023年全国大学生标准化奥林匹克竞赛上海区域赛,参赛作品获二等奖

・        指导博士学生博士毕业论文入围2019年国际商务学会-英国和爱尔兰分会亚当斯密最佳博士毕业论文奖



・  Love, James and Driffield, Nigel and Lavoratori, Katiuscia and Yang, Yong (2025) FDI motives redux: exploring behavioral assumptions in international business research, Multinational Business Review, forthcoming

・ Yang, Yong and Wang, Yonggui and Wang, Linlin and Wu, Yan (2024) Host country household spending and foreign subsidiary performance: The role of local knowledge, entry mode strategies, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 106745 

・  Wu, Yan and Yang, Yong  and Mickiewicz, Tomasz (2023)Corruption,the digital sectors, and the profitability of foreign subsidiaries in emergingmarkets Journal of Business Research, 161, 113848

・  Yang, Yong  and Wu, Yan (2023)The digitaleconomy, entry mode strategies, and the profitability of foreign subsidiaries:A global view, Economic Modelling, 106480

・  Yang, Yong and Driffield, Nigel (2022)Leveraging the benefits of location decisions into performance: A global viewfrom matched MNEs, Journal of Business Research, 139,468-483

・  Gu, Jinlong and Yang, Yong and Strange, Roger (2018)Location choice, ownership structure and multinational performance. MultinationalBusiness Review, 26(3), 250-276.

・  Panos, Georgios and Yang, Yong (2018) Job flows, returns toskill, and rent-sharing at the dawn of the new millennium: A firm-level inquiryfrom the BRICS. International Journal of Language, Translation andIntercultural Communication, 7, 64-99.

・  Contractor, Farok and Yang, Yong and Gaur, Ajai (2016)Firm-specific intangible assets and subsidiary profitability: The moderatingrole of distance, ownership strategy and subsidiary experience. Journal ofWorld Business, 51(6), 950-964

・  Driffield, Nigel and Love, Jim and Yang, Yong (2016)Reverse international knowledge transfer in the MNE: (Where) does affiliateperformance boost parent performance? Research Policy, 45(2), 491-506

・  Martins, Pedro and Yang, Yong (2015) Globalized labourmarkets? International rent sharing across 47 countries, British Journal ofIndustrial Relations, 53(4), 664-691.

・  Yang, Yong and Mallick, Sushanta (2014) Explainingcross-country differences in exporting performance: The role of country-levelmacroeconomic environment. International Business Review, 23(1),246-259.

・  Yang, Yong and Singh, Deeksha (2014) Foreign SubsidiaryLocation Strategy and Financial Performance: A Global Value Chain Perspective, Academyof Management Best Paper Proceedings,  2014

・  Driffield, Nigel and Love, Jim and Yang, Yong (2014) Technologysourcing and reverse productivity spillovers in the multinational enterprise:global or regional phenomenon? British Journal of Management, 25(S1)S24-S41.

・  Yang, Yong and Martins, Pedro and Driffield, Nigel (2013)Multinational Performance and the Geography of FDI, Management InternationalReview, 53(6), 763-794.

・  Contractor, Farok and Yang, Yong and Gaur, Ajai (2013)Firm-Specific Intangible Assets and Subsidiary Profitability: The ModeratingRole of Distance, Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, 2013

・  Mallick, Sushanta and Yang, Yong (2013) ProductivityPerformance of Export Market Entry and Exit: Evidence from Indian Firms, Reviewof International Economics, 21(4), 809-824.

・  Yang, Yong and Driffield, Nigel (2012) Multinationality-PerformanceRelationship: A Meta-Analysis, Management International Review, 52(1),23-47.

・  Mallick, Sushanta and Yang, Yong (2011) Sources ofFinancing, Profitability and Productivity: First Evidence from Matched Firms, FinancialMarkets, Institutions and Instruments, 20(5), 221-252.

・  Yang, Yong and Mallick, Sushanta (2010) Export premium,self-selection and learning-by-exporting: Evidence from Chinese matched firms, WorldEconomy, 33(10), 1218-1240.

・  Martins, Pedro and Yang, Yong (2009) The Impact ofExporting on Firm Productivity: A Meta-Analysis of the Learning-by-ExportingHypothesis, Review of World Economics, 145(3), 431-445.


・  Gu, Jinlong and Yang, Yong and Strange, Roger (2019)Acquirer’s Country of Origin and Target Firm’s Performance. In The ChangingStrategies of International Business (pp. 135-155). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham

・  Gu, Jinlong and Yang, Yong and Strange, Roger (2018) FirmDiversification and Financial Performance: Evidence from Manufacturing FirmsWorldwide. In Contemporary Issues in International Business (pp. 297-315).Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

・  Mallick, Sushanta and Yang, Yong (2014) Financing Patterns,Multinationals and Performance: Firm-level Evidence from 47 Countries inInternational Business, Institutions and Performance After the Financial Crisis(AIB Book Chapter); editors: Yama Temouri and Chris Jones, Palgrave MacMilla,194-211

・  Yang, Yong and Kwong, Caleb (2013) The Role of Language onAffiliates' Competence-Creation: Evidence from the MNE Linkage across 45Countries, (AIB Book Chapter), The Changing Geography of InternationalBusiness; editors: Gary Cook and Jennifer Johns. Palgrave MacMilla,114-135

・  Yang, Yong and Martins, Pedro (2011) MultinationalPerformance and Intellectual Property Rights: Evidence from 46 Countries inFirm-level Internationalisation, Regionalism and Globalisation (AIB BookChapter); editors: Jenny Berrill, Elaine Hutson and Rudolf Sinkovics, PalgraveMacMilla, Houndmills, Basingstoke, U.K. 96-112

・  Athreye, Suma and Yang, Yong (2011) Disembodiedknowledge flows in the World Economy [a background paper for WorldIntellectual Property Organisation United Nations report]


・  项目负责人, 后疫情时代高科技企业在华投资研究, 上海市人力资源和社会保障局, 2022.10-2025.9

・  项目负责人, 上海市高技术产业可持续高质量发展研究, 上海市科学与技术委员会, 2022

・  项目负责人,Location choices, Knowledge transfer and firm performance,萨塞克斯大学商业管理与经济学院研究发展基金奖,2016-2017

・  项目负责人,GlobalValue Chains and Returns to Multinationality,萨塞克斯大学商业管理与经济学院研究发展基金奖,2015-2016

・  项目负责人,International Technology Transfer and Technology Sourcing,埃塞克斯商学院,2011-2012

・  研究员,The Changing Nature of Internationalization of Innovation in Europe:Impact on Firms and the Implications for Innovation Policy in the EU,FP7-欧盟委员会,项目负责人Suma Athreye,协调人Pari Patel,2009-2011

・  研究员,Disembodied Knowledge Flows in the World Economy,世界知识产权组织,项目负责人Suma Athreye, 2011-2012


・  2023: SUIBE/上海(12月);湖大/武汉(11月);ZJSU/杭州(5月);MSI/上海(4月)

・  2022: ECUPL/上海(4月);SSPU/上海(3月)

・  2021: AOM/线上(8月); Aston/线上(4月)

・  2019: EIBA/利兹(12月); AIB/哥本哈根(6月); 萨里(6月);AIB-UKI/萨塞克斯(4月)

・  2018: SMS/巴黎(9月); AIB-UKI/伯明翰(4月)

・  2017: SMS/休斯敦(10月); AIB/迪拜(7月); AIB-UKI & IB Reading/雷丁(4月)

・  2016: EIBA/维也纳(12月), SMS/柏林(9月); AIB/新奥尔良(6月); AIB-UKI /伦敦(4月)

・  2015: AIB-UKI/曼彻斯特(4月); AOM/温哥华(8月); SMS/丹佛(10月)

・  2014: AIB-UKI/约克(4月); AIB/温哥华(6月); AOM/费城(8月)

・  2013: AIB-UKI/伯明翰(3月); Reading-UNCTAD/雷丁(4月); GPEN-CGR/伦敦(6月);AIB/伊斯坦布尔(7月); AOM/佛罗里达(8月)

・  2012: EIBA/布莱顿(12月); NGB/剑桥(9月); AIB-UKI/利物浦(3月);CEA/伦敦(4月)

・  2011: AOM/圣安东尼奥(8月); EEFS/伦敦(6月); CES/北京(6月); AIB-UKI/爱丁堡(4月)

・  2010: WISE Labor/厦门(12月); GlobInn/米兰(10月); CAED/伦敦(9月); AIB/里约热内卢(6月);EEFS/雅典(6月); AIB-UKI/都柏林(4月)

・  2009:ACE/中国香港(12月); QMUL/ QMUL伦敦(6月)

・  2008:Maison Franco-Japonaise/东京(11月); QMUL/伦敦(6月); CEA/剑桥(6月)

・  2007:ACE/中国香港(12月); QMUL/伦敦 (6月)

・  2006:ACE/中国香港(12月); ABH/伦敦 (6月); QMUL/伦敦 (6月)


・  上海市教委记功

・  获省部级人才计划两项

・  国际奖项

2014年 国际商务学会AIB,Temple/AIB最佳论文奖,获奖者

2014年 管理学会AOM,国际管理分会Douglas Nigh Award,获奖者

2013年 国际商务学会AIB,Temple/AIB最佳论文奖,入围

2013年 管理学会AOM,国际管理分会最佳论文奖,入围

・        英国奖项

2017年 英国萨塞克斯大学商学院,研究发展基金奖

2016年 英国萨塞克斯大学商学院,研究发展基金奖

2013年 英国萨塞克斯大学,卓越业绩奖

2011年 埃塞克斯商学院,研究委员会奖


・  上海市闵行区经济委员会副主任(挂职)

・  上海市闵行区春申金字塔人才推荐官

・  上海市欧美同学会上海第二工业大学分会理事

・  中国服务贸易协会专家委员会专家

・  International Journal of Finance and Economics期刊 副主编

・  Economic Analysis and Policy期刊 副主编

・  Journal of Economic Surveys 期刊 副主编

・  Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting 期刊 副主编

・  Economic Modelling全球价值链和技术转移专刊主编

・  International Business Review期刊 编委

・  Cross Cultural & Strategic Management期刊 编委

・  英国萨塞克斯大学商学院服务工作:国际管理研究生专业主任,软件数据管理员,国际留学生招生,年度考核评审,MBA导师,博士生导师

・  英国巴斯大学国际管理研究生专业外聘考官, 英国埃塞克斯大学博士生考官,英国约克大学博士生考官,英国格拉斯哥大学亚当斯密商学院博士生考官